I have been CRANKIN' out some wreaths lately! They might be coming out of my ears. : ) I'm really learning as I go along and make new designs. I tried the tulle bow on two of the last ones I've done and it's really my favorite. Only downside is that color choices are limited. But at least Hobby Lobby is open again! Whooooo!
I'm about to cut off orders, as I am not going to be a crazy woman this Christmas, running around....
I'm also working on Abbie's halloween costume-I'm really excited about it. She's going to be cookie monster, of course. I used a halloween bucket from a McD's happy meal for her candy pail-turned it into a cookie. So excited about it, even though it's frou frou to the MAX, and I've never considered myself that kind of gal. Maybe I'm going to the dark side....
I'm linking to "Get Your Craft on" at Today's Creative Blog
And also the weekend wrap up party at Tatertots & Jello!

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