I got paired up with Jennifer from Mississippi, who told me she liked country chic, John Deere, and seashells. She also told me she loved scrapbooking. I was jealous to hear that she has a Silhouette machine, I have a Cricut and want to upgrade one day.
We are the same age, and also both have Etsy shops! Hers is Southern Charm Creations, and my shop is Joyful Home Designs.
So being that Jennifer likes country stuff and scrapbooking, I decided to make her something with camo, and I also figured that with all the scrapbooking she's doing, she probably has a nice camera that she needs a camera strap slipcover for. : ) So, here we go...
#1. Camo cell phone charger/holder. I saw the idea on Pinterest, and the tutorial can be found here: Tutorial from Make It Love It. I hope she finds it handy!
#2. Ear Bud Zippy Case...again, found the idea through Pinterest, and here's the tutorial:
Tutorial from Erin Erickson Go give Erin some love if you end up making one, her tutorials are both easy to follow and lovely.
#3. Lastly- A camera strap cover...I'm really hoping that she has a DSLR camera to use this on : ) If not, maybe she can use it as a huge Christmas hint for her hubby.
So that's it for this year's Holiday Handmade Gift Exchange! I really enjoyed participating this year and look forward to getting my gift as well! This is so fun! Go ahead and sign up for a reminder to alert you for when the next exchange signups start (in the spring/summer).
Go visit CraftaholicsAnonymous.net to see all the pretties that others have made for this exchange!

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